Safety improvements on the way for dangerous junction

New safety improvements are to be added to the junction of High Street and Hartshead Street in Lees, following pressure from local councillors.
After multiple incidents where cars have crashed at the junction, Oldham Council have agreed to lay an improved anti-skid surface on the road, repaint the road markings, and add signage to warn drivers about the junction.
Councillor Al-Hamdani said: “This is clearly a dangerous location, and I’m pleased that the Council have responded to my requests and acknowledged that more should be done.
“Given the pinch point where buildings on both sides mean that the pavements are narrow, it does make things difficult – this is not a perfect solution, but it is another step in the right direction.”
The works are part of a number of safety initiatives being driven forward by the local councillors, with a 20mph section being added to Stamford Road in Lees, and a new trial “School Street” in Medlock Way due to go live shortly.
Councillor Al-Hamdani added: “We’re very aware that Saddleworth has poor public transport, and that for many, there is no alternative to cars. What we want is to ensure that the area is safer for all users – drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.
“If we can make it easier and safer for people to walk and cycle, that means less pollution, more healthy people, and fewer accidents. And if fewer people are driving, that reduces traffic congestion too. These are positives all round.”